Schambach Ministries has a reputation for going to the “hard places.” But as we travel around the world we have discovered that there are no hard places for Jesus. Inspired by the legacy of R.W. Schambach, we are dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable children, families, and communities and seeing lives radically transformed by the power of the gospel. Will you help us?
Crusade 2024
There are no hard places for Jesus. We have seen lives radically changed by the power of the gospel. Will you help us to reach more lives?
Recent Crusades
The proclamation of the Gospel through city-wide mass evangelism crusades serves to unite churches in winning the lost and discipling them.
About US
Schambach Ministries has a reputation for going to the “hard places.” But as we travel around the world, we have discovered that there are no hard places for Jesus. Inspired by the legacy of R.W. Schambach, we are dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable children, families, and communities and seeing lives radically transformed by the power of the gospel.